Daycare sent an email this morning saying Older Boy has an unhealthy obsession.

He and Tutor made a comic book last week. Older Boy wrote a story about himself going off to war and leaving a girl behind. He picked Tutor's sister. At the time he wrote the story he had never met her.

He also wrote an "about the author" section. This included his "life story". It is really disjointed and for the most part inaccurate.

Yesterday he met Tutor's sister.

Daycare thinks he is obsessed with her to a point that it is unhealthy. He didn't talk to me much about it last night when he got home, but he did want me to add her on Facebook as my friend so he could talk to her.

He can't have his own Facebook page. Service Coordinator said NO...absolutely not.

I'm going to have to do some questioning tonight. We have family therapy tonight...just me and Older Boy. I think it would be a good time to ask questions and discuss the appropriateness of his "relationship" with Tutor's sister.

Prayers for wisdom in the discussion.
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