Younger Boy got a consequence last night for not following directions. He lost the privilege of using his Nintendo DS for one day.

This morning when it was time to go to daycare he snuck his DS into the car. I asked him to turn it over to me. He did, but immediately started screaming about how it isn't his fault he doesn't follow directions. He began punching the car window and kicking the seat in front of him and screaming that he wasn't going to daycare without his DS.

He told me he promised his friends he would bring it. I explained he chose to not follow directions. He got out of the car at daycare and sat on the curb, screaming and crying about not going to daycare. As a result he lost another day of the DS privilege.

He ran into daycare screaming how much he hates me. I am now officially a parent.

Prayers he will start to understand people are held accountable for their actions.

Praises I didn't give in.
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