Today we went to the birthday party of Older Boy and Younger Boy's biological sister.  She lives in a home with Middle Brother. 

It was interesting to watch the kids play together although you can tell they don't have much of a relationship.  Older Boy still calls Mom J and Dad J Mom and Dad.  I thought it was interesting while we were there that he called them that and called me by my first name.  Younger Boy did the exact opposite.

Middle Boy noticed and asked me if it hurts my feelings.  I said it didn't, because it doesn't.  To Older Boy "Mom" is the name for the oldest female caregiver in the house.  It has nothing to do with relationship.  I think with Younger Boy it is about relationship.  I know it is for Middle Boy.  I sense that with him you have to earn the right to be called Mom.  I think that is how it should be.  He asked me if I wanted him to call me Mom.  I told him that he could either call me by my name or Mom whichever he felt more comfortable with, but that I believed it was based on relationship.

Older Boy spent most of the time at the party watching football in the basement.  Younger Boy played his trumpet for them and showed him his safety patrol vest.  He played with his sister and her friends and talked to all of the adults present.  Middle Boy hung out by himself and observed.  That is kind of what he does.  He had a lego car he wanted to work on so he did that.

I didn't know what to expect when we said good-bye.  Last time the boys were very sad to leave their sister.  This time they just gave her a hug and said they would see her soon.

Prayers for the J's.  They are an awesome family who we will forever be connected to through the kids.

Praises for a good time at the party.
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