This morning when I got to Younger Boy's therapy Therapist C wanted to chat a little bit before the session.

She told me Service Coordinator had emailed her to ask for her plan for sibling therapy for Younger Boy and Older Boy.  She told Therapist C it was court ordered for them to do therapy together.  What?  Why are we hearing about this now when the last court date was in MARCH.

Therapist C went on to tell me this is VERY RARE and she would be shocked if this were the case.  Also, since she doesn't treat Older Boy she would have to have an authorization to be able to speak with his therapist to develop a plan.  She doesn't have the authorization.

I knew this was coming, because Mom J called me yesterday to tell me Older Boy's therapist had mentioned it to her.  His therapist is writing a recommendation they NOT do sibling therapy until they are both in a more manageable individual place.  Therapist C absolutely agrees and is planning to follow lead.

Honestly I doubt it is court ordered.  I am trying to get a copy of the orders now, but no one can send them to you or fax them.  You have to go to the court house to pick them up.  They are supposed to be mailed to the foster parent by the Service Coordinator, but in all the time I have been doing foster care I have only received one copy for each boy.

Service Coordinator has "gotten mixed up" on multiple occasions and made people jump through a lot of unnecessary hoops for no reason.  This is likely the same circumstance.

Good thing I am actually going to court this time and can speak on our behalf. 

Prayers for getting this straightened out.  Literally some days Service Coordinator makes me crazy...CRAZY.  Prayers for getting the court order in a timely manner.

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