I find I don't write when things are hard and things have been hard lately....really hard.

It seems as though our lows are really low these days.  We have a high every now and then, but it never seems to stick around much.

Younger Boy continues to need 24/7 supervision for the most part.  Just when he gets some trust earned back he does something which ends up getting him more supervision.

He gets angry when he can't go to friends houses and when he can't spend the night with friends and do all the normal teenage stuff, but he can't be trusted. 

As best I can tell the stealing is once again confined to our home.  It is rampant at home though.  It is silly things.  Things he could have if he asked, but he doesn't. 

He did make the honor roll.  I am struggling with it though, because his school district doesn't take points off for late work.  If they followed the ACTUAL deadlines he would be a C student at best.  I read an article lately about a mom requesting her child be removed from the honor roll and honestly it could have been written by me. 

Since he found out he was on honor roll he has gone back to his "forgetfulness".

He is back to REFUSING to shower.  REFUSING.  In the last ten days he has showered exactly twice.  Luckily my nine year old niece will be here this weekend and I think I can count on her to tell him he stinks without prompting!!

Middle Boy has a tutor now.  Paid for by probation.  He thinks it is stupid.  He can "get his grades up" himself.  He isn't though.

He is well on his way to truancy again this year.  In our state you get 20 excused absences before you are truant.  We aren't even to the end of the first semester and he has 18.  It seems as if he can vomit on cue.  Which will get you sent home.

Middle Boy's attitude is marginal.  He is VERY HARSH to me and it is getting incredibly old.

He and his girlfriend broke up.  That is a relief.

I need to blog more often.  When things are hard it gives me perspective...I always forget that.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you if I don't blog again before then.

1 Response
  1. Patty Says:

    I am so sorry you are having a tough time. It doesn't seem fair. I am so so glad you posted and hope you will continue more regularly.

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