At 4AM I was awakened by Younger Boy crying with an ear ache. He seemed to have a fever so I gave him some Tylenol and sat with him on the couch until he was able to fall back asleep.

We got up at our normal time so we could take Older Boy to daycare. Younger Boy is exhausted, but doesn't want to rest. I scheduled a doctor appointment for him at noon (the soonest we could get in). Probably also the soonest we can get approvals anyway.

Younger Boy is convinced he is well enough to go to daycare this afternoon and to Awana tonight. It makes me wonder if he was really sick or not. I told him when you are sick during the day you don't go anywhere or do anything except stay home and rest. This seemed foreign to him. He thought he should go to the McDonalds Play Place. I ended up telling him if he is sick it isn't fair to spread his germs to other kiddos who are well.

I'm hoping Younger Boy will take a nap this afternoon, because I could really use it!
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