Saturday….all of the days blur together. Saturday the boys did such a good job in the morning. I had a LifeGroup leader meeting at church and no sitter so they entertained themselves in the Youth Room. Actually I should say they were entertained by the Zambia team practicing things for their trip. They were excited about the “play” they saw while they were there and two people commented on what nice, well behaved boys I have. It makes my heart smile.

Older Boy and I went to the TRAC bowling party. I was worried about him there, because he hasn’t been to camp for a couple of years and he has a tendency to not socialize anyway. Praises the other boys on his lane made him feel included and by the end of the party he was fist bumping and giving high fives with the other five boys. He also really connected with Camp Uncle from camp again. In fact he brought a tear to Camp Uncle’s eye when he said “I have really missed you and I’m glad you will be at camp again this year.”

Babysitter N hung out with Younger Boy for the afternoon. I think she nearly froze to death.

Both boys helped Coach Z move bricks from her front yard to the backyard. Older Boy loved doing the work and followed Mr. Z's instructions amazingly well. In fact he was even able to explain Mr. Z's instructions back to Younger Boy when he got there and volunteered to help Mr. Z's with any of the work he needs help with. Coach Z gave them each “wages” for their work and the amount of help they were. The boys also loved playing with Coach Z’s cats and have volunteered to take care of them any time we need to. It is a LONG walk from our house!!

Sunday….Older Boy’s five dollars from Coach Z was missing. I believe Younger Boy took it, because Older Boy was in the shower and I know I didn’t take it. Younger Boy denies knowing anything about it and in frustration Older Boy kicks the dresser and starts banging his head on the wall screaming “I should just be dead.” This lasted about 30 minutes. Pray for his safety. When he does it you can’t talk to him at all. It’s like he can’t even hear you. When he calmed down a bit we talked about it and he screamed “I am NEVER going to be a good person.” Pray God breaks down those walls and the hold over him. Older Boy cried all the way to church. The boys had a great time at Tribe and Sunday School. Younger Boy and I spent part of the afternoon at a TRAC planning meeting and Older Boy went with Mentor M. When he got home he was sad because Younger Boy wouldn’t go to the park with him and stomped around the house talking about how Younger Boy hated him. After he settled down he told me what a great time he had at the Mentor M's house and how he has the coolest American flag guitar pick. We did Younger Boy’s homework (I thought) and went to bed.

Monday…Older Boy went to the school nurse claiming illness. She called to tell me he was there, but not sick. She encouraged him to go back to class. School System bussing dropped him off at the wrong place after school. He knew it was wrong, but they told him it was right. As a result daycare called and School System had to locate him again. So far bussing has been successful once and unsuccessful twice. Younger Boy lied about homework again. He now brings home math, but has decided that is all he will bring home. Pray we can come up with a way to motivate him. I know he has the ability. The boys had a babysitter, Babysitter J, on Monday night and they did well except that Younger Boy told her to F off when she told him it was time to go to bed. Pray for strength for the babysitters who will get the behaviors I am getting as the boys become more comfortable with them.
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