The morning started out OK. Not great, but OK.

I had made a list of things that needed to be done before we could do anything fun. Older Boy really wants to go to Gamestop to turn in a game that "makes him too angry".

Older Boy doesn't want to do anything on the list. Younger Boy vacuumed help fold clothes and took out the trash. I asked Older Boy what he was going to work on, because everything on the list has to be done before we leave the house.

"I'm not going to help." That is a choice. It is a choice with consequences though. Younger Boy and I don't care if we go to Gamestop and we don't care if we leave the house today.

While Younger Boy was vacuuming Older Boy stepped on the vacuum cord and Younger Boy asked him nicely to stop. I witnessed the whole thing. It wasn't instigated by Younger Boy. Older Boy told him to "F off".

Older Boy got a consequence for the language. It is getting worse...not better. The consequence resulted in wall punching, head banging, a completely bent (from kicking) wall register, door punching, and more head banging and punching a window. The violence continued for 20 minutes. I ended up calling Agency, because I literally didn't know what to do.

Their suggestion is to just make him stay in his room until he calms down. We are also supposed to ignore him.

He is convinced I am callingi 911 to make him leave. He is sobbing and screaming "I don't want to leave this house. It is the day before Easter."

Now we are 1 hour and 20 minutes later and he just came down to for the debrief.
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