This morning started off really rough. I kind of figured it might, because last night I caught Younger Boy in a lie about his homework. Before he went to bed he was sticking to his story about his homework being in his room. When he got up I told him to bring his homework out when he came to the kitchen…knowing full well there was no completed homework. He had told the teacher yesterday it was at home, but done.

He came out to the kitchen and I asked where the homework was. He told me he couldn’t find it, because his room was too messy. I volunteered to help look for it. He became angry and locked himself in the bathroom and banged his head on the wall.

Older Boy got on the bus for school. I was REALLY PROUD of Older Boy, because he stayed out of the discussion. It is usually his impulse to jump in and parent. It is something we are working on…A LOT.

Younger Boy and I got in the car to go to Daycare. I stopped the car in the driveway and asked him why it is important for him to lie about his homework. First he told me that there were boys at his school who threatened to kill him if he does his homework. I asked if he had talked to his teacher about it. I also asked if those same boys went to his last two schools since he lied about homework there as well. He told me he didn’t and when I was able to present evidence that I knew he did he started to cry.

He asked why I didn’t believe him. We discussed that if you aren’t trustworthy people will question whether or not you are telling the truth with everything you tell them. I told him you have to earn trust back. He said “Everyone always tells me that.” He also talked about how he has tried before by doing all of the laundry and chores. I explained that trust can’t be gained through chores, but you have to be trustworthy.

Older Boy was SO excited about being able to help the soccer team. He got off the bus and gave Younger Boy and me a play by play of everything he helped with. I am super proud of him for being able to step outside of his routine and not have it ruin his day.

I had foster parent training tonight at the Agency. The boys helped with child care there. The providers told me they are perfect gentlemen and completely helpful with little kids. This is what I always observe as well. The Agency gave them each $5 for helping out. Now they will probably want to go every time!!
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