Younger Boy is mad this morning, because he HATES his caseworker and he ruins everything he ever wants to do.

What he really meant is he is mad because he is going to his first ever sleepover tonight and he can’t leave until he meets with his caseworker.

I explained you cannot hate someone after meeting them one time and that the Bible says we should love our neighbors. That did NOT go over well. I was also able to give my "famous" camp speech about how sometimes in life you have to do things you don't want to and the only choice you have is your attitude. I continued on with "you can pick good or you can pick really is all up to you". I also explained if you cooperate with your caseworker the meeting will go faster.

Pray both boys are agreeable during the monthly service coordinator visit. If Older Boy causes it to go late I predict a HUGE MELTDOWN in our future!
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