Today I had training for summer camp. Older Boy was with Babysitter Z and Younger Boy was still at Daycare Friend's house when I left.

Babysitter Z picked up Younger Boy after he and Older Boy played catch with a baseball for TWO HOURS. They all had an amazing day.

The three of them went to the park and shot baskets, had lunch at Wendy's, and played soccer in the backyard. When I got home Mentor R had just picked him up and they had just finished fixing the dented return air vent in the hallway. Older Boy installed it.

Older Boy had decided while I was gone that I should buy him an aluminum bat....RIGHT NOW. Shockingly this is NOT going to happen. What person in their right mind would buy someone who punches walls a bat? The fact I would not take him to buy one RIGHT NOW caused SIGNIFICANT anger. He was punching the wall in the hallway and banging his head on the wall in his room. He could NOT calm down. We had implemented a rule that when he needs to cool down he MUST stay in his room. He did that. Babysitter Z and I sat in the living room and talked while he continued to rant and cry in his room. That is a difficult part of the new strategy. Finally he calmed down and I went to talk to him. Babysitter Z stood in the hallway, because he was unsure that the anger was controlled. I explained that I love Older Boy, but I need him to be safe in my home. I also explained you cannot have everything you want right when you want it. Sometimes you have to wait and sometimes you never do get the things you want. This was not an acceptable answer and just made him more angry. Babysitter Z stayed until Older Boy was calmed down. His parents raised an AMAZING man.

I actually had a dinner party to go to on Saturday night and Babysitter J was back for the evening. The first part of the evening was smooth...the second Younger Boy got home and Older Boy immediately started his intimidation tactics. She got them to play soccer in the backyard and Older Boy became FURIOUS when Younger Boy kicked the ball to him, but he had to chase it. He was convinced Younger Boy did it on purpose and went in the house screaming and beating the walls. He went to his room. Younger Boy went to his safe place downstairs. Over the course of Older Boy's tantrum though Younger Boy locked himself in my car. When I got home Babysitter J was just getting Younger Boy out of the car.

The boys went to bed and I talked to Babysitter J about her upcoming trip. I really like her...she is becoming a good friend. God has blessed us with some wonderful people to help with child care!!
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