I just got a call from Younger Boy.  He is crying.

His math assignment is to create a timeline of his life.  There are 10 things that MUST be included and some of them he doesn't know and others are too painful to recall.

Why?  Homework is hard enough for us without having to bring back every traumatic situation in his life.

The mean and vindictive part of me wants to make a timeline for his teacher of his life.  I want to include every bit of horrific abuse he has lived through and the FOURTEEN home changes he has endured.  I want her to know what she is putting him through.

The rational side of me will instead write her an email and explain Younger Boy will include some major life events, but the majority of this timeline will be centered around his life since February of 2011 when he moved in my home.

Pray we can get through this assignment tonight and have it not create nightmares and dissociative behavior.  Pray I can correspond with the teacher in a kind and respectful manner yet still explaining our situation.

Pray for our evening.
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