I could cry...tears of joy.

This morning when I dropped Older Boy off Teacher S stopped me, because she had to tell me something. Generally speaking this is NEVER a good thing.

She wanted to tell me that yesterday Older Boy had two separate instances of demonstrating high functioning thought. The first two times he has demostrated it there in five months. Both times it was the same type of thought, but it is HIGH FUNCTIONING THOUGHT!! He realized that he and another boy were arguing and they were both partially right. He said "this part is right". Usually he would not take the time or understand that there was something other than all right or all wrong.

Teacher S told me on their original assessments they didn't think he had the capabilities of getting to a place of high functioning thought and they are surprised he has done it so quickly. I have known that, but honestly when they first told me I had no understanding of what it meant.

God is so good. Thank you for your prayers for both boys to become "typical". We still have a long way to go, but with God all things are possible!
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