Today we had family therapy. It was me, Older Boy, and Therapist. Older Boy started out the session very concerned about why Younger Boy doesn't have therapy. We explained that he does have therapy...just like Older Boy does, but that more importantly Older Boy just needs to worry about himself.

I thought we were going to have a break through today. I really did. We were talking about why Older Boy just assumes everyone hates him. We also talked about how sometimes when they are angry people say things they don't mean. I reminded him how when he gets mad he screams that I hate him. I asked him if he thinks I hate him. He said "no". He said he doesn't know why he says it. I reminded him he tells Younger Boy that he wishes they weren't brothers and that he hates him. I reminded him that he says he wishes he were dead and that he hates his life. We started talking about all of these things and then all of a sudden he said "I'm done talking."

Therapist and I asked if he wanted things to get better. He said "that won't ever happen". We explained for it to happen he has to do his part. He has to be part of the solution.

The session went downhill from there. He started talking like a baby and either arguing with everything that was said or giving answers to questions that were blatantly wrong.

We called him on it. He was really anxious for the session to be over. We made him go long for wasting our time with answers he knew was wrong.

Praises for a near break through. We are going to get there.

Prayers for a changed heart and an understanding Older Boy has control over his actions and words.

Prayers for wisdom on how to work with Older Boy and get through to him.
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