We had a family team meeting today. I was not looking forward to it. The boys' placement specialist from the heart gallery was supposed to be there. She wanted to understand their behaviors so she can recruit an "appropriate" adoptive family for them. I think it is unfair to me. I feel like it is pressure for me to make a decision about permanency. They are a "focus group" because they have been in the system for so long. From what I understand there will be a "push" to find them permanency between now and the end of the year.

It is too soon to know if I plan to keep them permanently. It is too soon to even be thinking about it. It is too soon to know if they even want to stay with me.

Please pray I will be able to take the time I need to figure this out. Pray there will be a clear answer from God what I am supposed to do and that I will listen and follow His will.
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