The Foster Care Review Board is a panel of volunteer citizens and professionals who review the cases and make recommendations to the judge regarding each individual case.

Tomorrow morning I meet with the Foster Care Review Board. I get my chance to say how things are going in our case. I get to say which people on our case are performing and which ones aren't. I get to talk about how I think things are going in our home.

There are two questions they have asked me to speak about. The first is whether or not I think Older Boy needs a higher level of care. The second is whether or not I think it is detrimental having both boys in the same home.

In some ways I am appreciative my opinion on these topics matters. In some ways it would be so much easier to just have someone tell me.

Honestly speaking the answer to both questions is I don't know.

I don't know enough about higher levels of care to know whether it would be helpful or detrimental to Older Boy. I do know that I am VERY DISAPPOINTED that the paperwork is still not done for him to receive DD services. If someone would do the paperwork he could receive them for the remainder of his life. I tried to start the paperwork, but Service Coordinator threw a fit, because by law she is required to do it. I started them nearly three months ago. There has been no progress. This topic will NOT go undiscussed at the Foster Care Review Board. Do I think DD services in our home is what Older Boy needs? Don't know. Don't know what they are or could be. Do I think he needs a group home? Don't know. Don't know how group homes operate. Do I think he needs a therapeutic foster home? Don't know. What would they do that I don't?

Should the boys be separated? I don't know. The ultimate goal of any kiddo in the foster system is permanency. Would they obtain it quicker separate than together? Probably. Should that be the determining factor? In my opinion, no. The determining factor should be maintaining their relationship and teaching them through the relationship. It needs healing. That won't happen in separate homes. Are they each others greatest instigator? Definitely.

The Nebraska foster care system is in the bottom two in the US and getting worse instead of better. You can find articles every where about kiddos who are "lost" in the system. That is Older Boy and Younger Boy. Not only are they victims of abuse at the hands of adults they continue to be abused by a system that just can't seem to get it right.

Perhaps I am seeing a new career as foster care advocate in my future.

Apologies for the rambling. I wanted to think these things through.

Prayers for wisdom in front of the board tomorrow. Prayers for clear thinking and appropriate words. Prayers for being okay with answering their questions with more questions.
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