Older Boy had the early baseball game today. I had told him on Wednesday night he was going to need to take his baseball stuff with him to daycare or there was NO WAY we would make it.

I totally forgot about it this morning. I went home at lunch to try to gather it up really quickly and take it with me so we wouldn't be late for baseball. I couldn't find anything! Not uncommon, because we have stuff EVERYWHERE these days. I wasn't looking forward to "making him late".

I went to pick up Older Boy and he had his uniform on...all the way down to his cleats. He did admit that he forgot his sliding short. I told him I was proud of him for remembering the parts he did remember, because I didn't even remember.

He did so well at his game. I had to drop him off, because Younger Boy had practice at the exact same time. He hung out with his favorite teammate afterward for about 10 minutes until I got back to get him.

I told him when I dropped him off that he would need to remember all about the game since I wasn't going to see it. He was excited to tell me all about it. They won. He apologized for not remembering the score. He walked and got a hit. He was the first batter. He played right field. Pretty good memory of details for him.

Praises he had a good time at baseball and was able to be responsible for himself. He isn't far from being able to "live on his own" in age. Any positive steps toward responsibility are HUGE!!
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