Today is Father's Day. We went to church and both boys really liked the guest speaker. Older Boy even went to meet him after church.

We came home to meet Grandpa and Grandma. They were here for the gymnastics exhibition. We went and had lunch at a mexican restaurant and for the first time both boys actually had mexican food at a mexican restaurant.

We did a little shopping for thank you gifts for the Coach Z and her assistant coach. The boys ended up picking out flowers. Older Boy picked both of course, because the ones that Younger Boy wanted to get were "stupid" and "retarded". Younger Boy just gave in, but walked away and wouldn't listen to Older Boy for the remainder of the shopping trip.

The gymnastics exhibition went really well. All of the kids did AMAZING and everyone seemed to have a really good time.

Praises for Grandpa on Father's Day. He is an amazing father to me and I know that he would do anything in the world for me. I love you Dad!!
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