Today Older Boy is having his own pajama party. Not because there is a pajama party, but because he got up 45 minutes before we needed to leave this morning, but didn't have time to get dressed. All he was able to accomplish in that time was taking his medication and packing his swim bag.

I reminded him every five minutes of the four things he needed to do before we left....take his medication, pack his swim bag, get dressed, and pack his lunch. I took pity on him and packed his lunch.

When there were five minutes left and it was still apparent he was NOT going to be getting dressed I told him he would have to wear whatever he was wearing when it was time to leave.

He wore pajamas. He told me no one would notice as I drove him to daycare. He doesn't typically wear red fleece pants with white stars on them, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. The second we walked in his classroom one of his classmates yelled out "Hey Older Boy...nice pajamas!"

Praises for patience. In the past this might have made me crazy. Now it isn't the end of the world...he is clothed.

Prayers for him learning the responsibility of routine. It is a life skill he will one day need and he really struggles to figure out what it is he needs to do.
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