Younger Boy was trying to turn things around. He really was.

Since Older Boy had fallen asleep in the car Younger Boy asked if he could stay up playing until 9PM. I told him it was fine, but that he would have to watch the clock and get himself in bed. I would give him reminders.

At 8:59PM he told me he was going "almost done". At 9:05PM I told him that he had 5 minutes to get in bed or he would lose the privilege of staying up later than Older Boy for one month. He finally made it to bed at 9:17PM swearing he would get up on my first ask tomorrow morning.

Prayers I would stay strong and not let him stay up late in the next month. I want to keep my word.

Praises for a little extra time to get to talk to him tonight. He and I have been a little bit at odds lately.
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