Therapist, CTA, and I are working on a point chart for Older Boy. CTA came over tonight and asked how the week was going since we started the point chart. Older Boy has earned exactly ZERO points. We have been doing it for five days. There are four things he can earn points for. I am unsure if he doesn't get it or if he doesn't care...either way...he doesn't care.

CTA had him make a list of the things that make him angry. He came up with two...Younger Boy and drinking milk. She tried to probe deeper...she really did. She couldn't even get Older Boy to make eye contact with her. Clearly drinking milk is an irrational thing to get angry over. It doesn't matter who you are.

CTA had him make a contract with her. It involves what Older Boy's actions are going to be when he gets mad. He said he was going to leave the room. She challenged him on it. He doesn't currently leave the room. She made him sign his name to it. I explained it was a contract and in his terms if you sign it not doing what you signed is against the rules.

I laughed out loud when CTA asked Older Boy what genre of music he liked. Really, she thinks he understands what a genre is? Don't these people read the files or listen to what I tell them about communicating with Older Boy?

All in all though I really like CTA. I think it will do some good. It gives Younger Boy and I a break from the continual need to provide attention to Older Boy.

Pray CTA will learn better ways to communicate with Older Boy and find a reward system he cares about.

Praises CTA is an amazing lady who can provide a ton of good to our home life situation.
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