Today I bought pull-ups for Older Boy. I was a little afraid to talk to him about them, because it truly could go either way.

I told him I wanted to talk and I needed him to listen without getting mad. I asked if he had been wetting the bed. He said he was, but that he didn't know it was happening until the morning when he woke up. I explained we are going to start using the bed-wetting meds again, but it might take a few days for them to start working.

Younger Boy was shopping with me when I bought the pull-ups and I explained that we weren't going to make fun of it and we were going to encourage Older Boy. Younger Boy was awesome during the discussion. He said to Older Boy "they look just like underwear".

Older Boy was so relieved he was almost excited. He got the pull-ups out and thanked me for buying them.

I told him I can't help him if he doesn't tell me things.

Prayers the medications take effect quickly.

Praises for the peace of mind this gave to Older Boy.
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