Tonight we had family therapy. Tonight Therapist got a true picture of the interaction between the boys.

Therapist brought paper and crayons and asked each boy to draw a poster of their coping techniques for when they are angry. Younger Boy immediately sat down and started drawing. Older Boy immediately laid down on the floor under the table and wouldn't acknowledge Therapist.

As soon as Younger Boy got praise from both me and Therapist for following directions Older Boy started talking like a baby. We just pretty much ignored it. Obviously it is an attention getting strategy he is trying to use.

Younger Boy had chosen "talk to Mom" as one of his strategies so Therapist asked us to practice. Younger Boy walked up to me and said "Mom, Older Boy is making me mad." Older Boy immediately started screaming that he shouldn't be used in the example and ran out of the room to the lobby. I stayed with Younger Boy and continued to talk through what was now a real life situation instead of practice. Therapist went in the lobby. I could hear yelling coming from the lobby so I went and traded Therapist.

I talked to Older Boy about how this would have been a good time to try his strategy instead of screaming and running out of the room. Obviously not what he wanted to hear. This time he ran screaming from the building and tried to get in the car...which was locked.

Both Therapist and I had to go outside to get him. He refused to come in so we just walked toward the door and he started crying and wanted to come in the building.

We got back in the therapy room and Older Boy agreed to talk to Therapist about strategies the next day during his individual session.

Praises Older Boy seems to be agreeable to talk to her tomorrow. Praises Younger Boy is willing to participate even while being yelled at by Older Boy.

Prayers that at some point Older Boy will cooperate during family therapy.
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