Older Boy went to the school nurse's office three times today complaining he was going to throw up. He also went to the nurse's office at daycare complaining of the same thing.

He told them both he had been throwing up at home since Saturday...not true. As silly as it sounds I had to make a rule that if you vomit you have to save it and show it to me. None is EVER able to be produced.

What is REALLY happening is he has a lot of anxiety and fear over what happened on Saturday. He thinks he is going to have to move if he doesn't learn to control his anger. Coupled with the fact that he already thought he had to move, because he has New Caseworker we are in the perfect storm.

He can't identify feelings. It is part of FAS. If I ask if he is nervous he will freak out. Not really the way to teach about feelings, but sometimes it is just easier to leave well enough alone.

Do I want him to leave? No. Do I need him to be safe? Yes. Are the two mutually exclusive? I don't know. That's what I need to figure out.
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