Tonight Younger Boy is having the kind of meltdown the Older Boy has.

I gave him the choice to either play Wii until 9pm or watch a movie and sleep downstairs. He chose to play Wii and then thought he deserved to sleep downstairs. When I told him that isn't what he chose he went downstairs and punched a vent, a table and a wall.

He informed me that if he isn't allowed to sleep downstairs tonight he will be running away in the middle of the night. I told him I didn't think that was a good idea.

He is now upstairs locked in the bathroom in the vanity under the sink. He is kicking the wall and telling me he hates me and that if someone loves you they don't give you consequences.

I called Mentor R. I don't think we will do respite tomorrow. There have to be consequences for your actions and the only thing he seems to care about it seeing his mentor.

Prayers we will all get a good nights sleep tonight. I'm not sure what is causing this meltdown other than he isn't getting his own way. Kind of extreme behavior for that.
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