We got home from church to change clothes, run a couple of errands and go to gymnastics. Sounds simple enough.

Younger Boy offered to let Older Boy sit in the front seat. He knew Older Boy had struggled at church and was offering up some kindness. Older Boy didn't see it that way. He was CONVINCED that Younger Boy was doing something to scheme and take advantage and somehow get something better than Older Boy was going to get. He stood in the garage SCREAMING!!

I asked him to go to his room and cool down. That is what we do these days so that the entire house doesn't get damaged. He didn't want to go. He thought he was calmed down. By this time he was screaming and crying "No, am calmed down." My heart was breaking for him, but we couldn't get in the car with him in that state of mind. Again...I asked him to go inside. He refused.

Younger Boy and I left him in the garage with the door open screaming while we sat on the front porch and sorted rocks. First we sorted the ones that looked like crystals. Then the shiny ones. All the while I was telling him it was a good thing he had shown kindness to his brother. It is hard for Younger Boy to understand and very frustrating to him. I also told him I wished I had a way to take him to gymnastics so he wouldn't be late, too. Younger Boy said "That's okay, Mom." I praise God that he is understanding and also tries to be kind...even when it backfires.

Finally...after over an hour and a half and approaching two hours...Older Boy was calmed down enough to get in the car and go to gymnastics.

The boys did GREAT at gymnastics. We only ended up being 15 minutes late.

When we got home the boys were laughing and playing together and had a great evening. That makes me smile and makes me thank God for them.
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