Since Younger Boy was up I told him to get in the shower. 

In theory he showers every night.  In reality I can actually get him to accomplish it two or three times a week.

He complied and actually showered.  Must have been a little groggy from his nap.

When he was out of the shower I told him he should just head for bed.  By this time it was about 11:15PM anyway. 

This was NOT part of his plan.  He bargained. 

If I let him stay up he will clean the kitchen tomorrow while I am at work.  How about the kitchen and the living room?  What about all the bathrooms?  What about also doing the laundry?


When we got to tomorrow he wouldn't remember how to do any of those things.  He would be reverted.  He needs sleep.

So...he stomped into his room swearing under his breath.  He yelled "Good Night" and slammed his door.

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