I called the school to check out Middle Boy's story about the nurse not signing him out and there being no place for him to wait in the office.

First I talked to the head of attendance.  She said he wasn't signed out and that I needed to send a note if I am picking him up early.  I asked how I was to know he was going to be ill.  He had told her that I was coming to pick him up for an appointment.  I explained that he had told me he had gone to the nurse and she sent him home.

She was pretty sure that wasn't the case, because he had no nurse's slip with him.  So...she transferred me to the nurse's office.  There are two women who work there.  They had NO RECORD of him EVER being in their office.  Not just today, but ever.

I thanked them for their time and called home.

I asked Middle Boy to tell me again what had happened at school.  He lied his way through the entire story.

I told him I had talked to the nurses office and the attendance office and I knew he was lying.

He said "I'm sorry."

This is a big deal.  The lying all of the time has GOT TO STOP.
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