Tonight I let Middle Boy drive home from youth group.

It was his second attempt at driving on the interstate in town and the first when it was dark out.

I asked him to go 10 MPH under the speed limit, because he needed to practice the interstate skills before driving the speed limit.  He was MAD. 

This turned him into a REALLY POOR driver.  Skills he had improved upon went out the window.

It was a good lesson for me about his maturity level and ability to drive.

At one point he was speeding and I reminded him that if he gets a ticket he will be paying for the ticket and the difference in the cost of the insurance.  I also reminded him that if he has any violations he has to wait a year to get his license.  State law...not mine.

At one point he said "so you are telling me I am failing at the basics?"  No...what I am telling you is that you need to focus on DRIVING.  Full attention on DRIVING.

The woe is me thinking makes me crazy.  To learn to drive you need to be able to receive feedback.  If you can't receive the feedback from me we will wait until you finish therapy so you can take drivers ed and THEN you can get your license.  Since therapy and driver's ed conflict you are in charge of when you can get your license.
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