I love Middle Boy's new therapist, Therapist L.

She has a master's in theology in addition to being a therapist. She uses Biblical principles in her therapy if the patient allows it. In Middle Boy's case I have the say in that, because I am the pre-adoptive parent. I say yes.

The therapy program is based on your level of participation. It is written to be a four to six month program, but there are kids who have been in it for two years. There is associated homework. You do individual and group therapy. You don't get introduced to the group until you are starting to be accountable for your own actions.

Therapist L interviewed Middle Boy. She called me in to fill in the blanks afterward. She said he is not taking any accountability for his actions at this time and left HUGE gaps in his story about why he is there and his history.

I need to send her all of the information I have.

Middle Boy asked how long I think he will be in the program. Honestly, I don't know. I suspect it will be longer than six months. He doesn't do well with being accountable for anything. I can't think of many times when he has been able to relate his behavior and take accountability for the outcome. I hope it isn't two years.

Pray Middle Boy takes this therapy to heart and actual applies it and doesn't simply "go through the motions".
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