I am so irritated right now I could scream.

Last week in court GAL recommended we add IFP services for Younger Boy. Basically this is a service where someone comes in your home to help you with behaviors for eight hours a week.

Who told him we needed this? We aren't even home eight hours a week right now, because of all of the other court ordered things.

When are we going to have a chance to just be a family and not be somewhere court ordered.

I am looking at our schedule and we still need to add in two sessions for Younger Boy at the trauma center as well.

I want to have some sort of a semblance of normal family life...of course none of these people work on the weekend so we have to cram it into the week somehow.

Here's our schedule...keeping in mind that we leaving the house at 7am and get home at 6pm.

Monday - my lifegroup...I'm not giving this up. It is the only thing I do for myself all week.
Tuesday - Younger Boy therapy
Wednesday - Younger Boy alternate therapy night
Thursday - Middle Boy therapy
Friday - nothing
Saturday - Middle Boy group therapy
Sunday - church and errands

We have to add eight hours of IFP and two hours at trauma center....when?

I've about had it today. Unfortunately IFP is court ordered so no chance to not do it. Thanks a lot GAL!!
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