Because I don't have enough going on right now Middle Boy decided he would skip class yesterday.

This morning I got a call from Assistant Principal telling me that Middle Boy showed up 15 minutes late to PE and complained about his ankle.  PE Teacher sent him to the nurse's office.  She and I had talked last week when he tried this exact same thing.  The only time he complains about his ankle is when he has PE.  He can run and jump on trampolines at home.  I don't think it hurts.

Nurse sent him back to class armed with the information I had given her last week.  I know this is shocking, but he never made it back there.  What was he doing?  I don't know.

This morning when he was in Assistant Principal's office he worked really hard to convince Assistant Principal that he should call Ms. R since he is staying with her right now.  That's absurd.  She doesn't have educational rights for him.

My guess is he knows I am obligated to tell his entire team.  This isn't going to look good in terms of probation or summer care.  I am guessing NOW he realizes the consequences of the actions are not going to be good.  That's what impulsivity will do to you.

This DOESN'T get him to be able to come home a day earlier. 

Prayers he would start to "get it".
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