Today I emailed Middle Boy's former therapist, Therapist A.  I feel like we could use her right now. 

While Middle Boy is going to regular therapy it is really specialized and focused and we could use a bit more of the general for a little while right now.  We could use some mediation on a few topics and Middle Boy trusts here...or at least he used to.

I am willing to pay her myself.  I offered that up.

She responded telling me that just yesterday she asked someone how we were doing and was going to contact us.  We have been on her heart and she wanted to make sure we had transitioned back home smoothly.  She also volunteered her time to work with us.  I'm going to pray about this.

Again...I can see God here.  It isn't coincidence that we have been on her heart at the time when we could really use her help.

Praises for Therapist A.  In many ways I miss her.

Prayers Middle Boy will be open to working with her.  If he isn't there isn't a reason to try.

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