I am going to toot my own horn for a minute.  Partially because the feedback seems so incredibly absurd to me.

This morning I gave a presentation at a national student conference on Building Commissioning.  I am not a fan of presentations.  Not because I don't like to do them, but I don't like to prepare for them.  It was everything I could do to make a power point for my presentation.  When the marketing department got it they actually said, "seriously".  Thanks to them I didn't look like a complete schmuck.

I presented to students and professors.  I got three offers to be a guest lecturer in engineering classes.  One of them even said I was a born presenter.  One of the students asked if he could intern for me, because I seem cool. cool either.  I am an engineer for crying out loud.  Cool and engineer is an oxymoron.

The local university has been trying to get me to be on the faculty for years as a practicing professional professor.  Maybe I should think about it.  I don't have enough going on right now, do I?  Maybe now would be a good time to change careers!!
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