Tonight Middle Boy decided it was time for him to offer "feedback" to me on my parenting.

It wasn't really feedback.  It was more of a litany of everything that he hates that I do.  It is nearly everything a parent would do.  What he thinks I should be is a friend. 

He spent a good deal of time telling me that when I tell him to do something or not do something I am making assumptions.  I am assuming he is trying to disrespectful and trying to be rude.  That isn't how he means it when he says that he hates me or when he says that I am really p****** him off.

Allegedly I will never trust him.  This is because I won't let him go and stay at a girl's house all day Monday when they don't have school  I told him there are a ton of reasons that can't happen.  I don't know her.  I don't know her parents.  He is too young for that.  Her parents won't be there.  No one there has had the required background check for foster care.  I explained that even if he was adopted it would be a no go.  That pushed him over the edge.  I obviously want him gone.  I am just purposely trying to pick a fight so that he will get mad and I can call 911. 

As it stands right now I am "not to talk to him until I can learn to respect and trust him". 

Prayers for his typical teenage behavior with a little bit of RAD thrown in for good measure.
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