Tonight our family was talking about Younger Boy taking some sleeping meds.

There are some very real concerns that come along with them.

He sleeps HARD...really hard.  We will need to take necessary precautions to avoid bedwetting as a result.

He is a little bit groggy when he wakes.  This will likely go away once he is more rested than his current state.

It puts him out IMMEDIATELY.  So when he takes it we have to be ready to go to bed.

I could tell Middle Boy was really conflicted when we were talking about it.  He is starting to acknowledge he, too, has sleep issues.  There is a part of him that KNOWS he desperately needs the sleep.


He said "I will never be able to take those meds."

I asked why. 

Because they make you sleep to hard and he wouldn't be able to hear someone and then he might not be able to protect himself very well. 

Middle are safe in this home. 

I know that, but it is hard to remember when it is night time.

Maybe you can go to bed before I do.

I can't.  I have to be the last to go to sleep.  That way I KNOW that no one is going to leave after I fall asleep and never come back.

Two VERY REAL fears.  Two things to talk about and work through.  Both are going to take time, but the realization that is the problem is HUGE.
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