Today when we got to therapy I told Therapist C about the chocolate incident this morning.

I told her about the clues I had been getting.

She asked him about the chocolates and where they came from.  She told him she needed to be a detective about it.

Here were the clues she gave him:

I did not eat them.
Boarder did not eat them, because he is a trustworthy person otherwise I wouldn't allow him to live in our home.
There are two other people who live in our house.

First he claimed Sophie must have ate them.  We pointed out to him if that were the case there would likely be trash from them somewhere in the house, because she wouldn't know to hide her trash.

So, that still leaves the two.

He swore he didn't eat them.

Therapist C then explained as a result he is then saying that Middle Boy ate them.  He is blaming Middle Boy.  Younger Boy immediately said "no, I'm not".  Technically you are blaming him.  She told him that if in his heart, mind, and soul he was fine with blaming Middle Boy and having Middle Boy serve whatever consequence comes with taking the chocolates then she would believe that he didn't take them and hadn't eaten them.

He was NOT okay with that, yet he still couldn't NOT admit he had taken the chocolates.  He was just VERY ADAMANT we should not blame Middle Boy.

She told him that the lying and stealing are usually the last two hurdles to overcome in trauma and attachment and they take VERY HARD work.

He never did admit to taking the chocolate.  We still have more work to do.
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