Both boys had student leadership lunches for their youth groups.

Middle Boy is on the tech team for Student Impact.  The entire student impact group meets monthly and digs deeper into God's word.

Younger Boy went to the informational meeting on the Student Leadership Team for his youth group.  When I asked him questions about it he had no idea.  Either it was a really poor informational session (doubtful) or he didn't pay attention during the meeting (likely).  All he knows is that he wants to be a part of it.  A part of what...he isn't sure.

I got to spend the time hanging out by myself.  I didn't do anything too exciting.  I went to the pet store for a little while to get Sophie a new collar.  I was going to get her a sweater, because she shivers all the time.  Poor thing weighs less than six pounds and when she comes in from outside she is pretty miserable. 

I also had a quiet lunch by myself and then read for a while.

Praises for the alone doesn't happen often.
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