I barely made it out of my office today without tears.


I hate being out of the office basically for two straight weeks.  I hate the sense of urgency that everything seems to take on while you are gone.

I hate that communication here isn't always the best and that things fall through the cracks.  This time it just happened to be telling me about a project I had a part in that was due today, but they realized that was unrealistic for me to get my part done since they are just now letting me know.  It still makes me feel like the failure.

I hate the prospect of potentially going to Bahrain. 

It was just a hard day. 

I am still on edge due to my home life.

There was a retirement party here today and I skipped it.  Just sat at my desk and worked.  I didn't feel very celebratory.  I wish I felt bad, but I don't.  I had never talked to the guy.

On my way out the door a woman who I am casual work acquaintances with stopped me to see how I was doing.  It took everything I had not to break down.  I'm sure I seemed unfriendly and need to apologize on Monday.

I made it to the loading dock and tears just started coming.  By the time I got to the car I was sobbing.

It was a long day.  I hate days like this.
1 Response
  1. DeeDee Says:

    Thinking & praying for you my friend

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