After a few minutes I told him while I agreed that his therapy homework needed to be done and it was his responsibility he also had a responsibility to the youth group.

I wasn't going to cover for him and he wasn't just going to skip.

I told him he would need to go inside and let them know he wouldn't be there that evening, because he had too much homework to do.  If he did that, like a responsible person, then I would drive him home.

His response "I'm not retarded.  You are just going to drive off when I walk in the door."

Actually that hadn't even occurred to me.  I told him it was not the case and that I would in fact be right where I was waiting to take him home after he let them know.

He went in...looking back multiple times.

He was inside talking to the tech booth adult in the hallway.  I don't know what he said, but he did talk to him.

When he came back out he said "I'm surprised you are still here."

Nope...I told you I would be here and I am.
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