Every Tuesday before therapy starts we do a parent/therapist update.  This morning with Therapist C we had a discussion.  Does Younger Boy really not know what is going on OR is he just that good at manipulation?  Every week we waiver back and forth.  Does he really not know or is he so good at "the game"?

I told her how "belligerent" the "other parts of self" have been this week.  The Time Keeper has taken over an hour to eat nearly every meal at home and is now taking over 30 minutes in public restrooms.  The Storyteller has been EVERYWHERE.  Sleep Master was at school yesterday, but Storyteller won't even let Sleep Master come clean about it.

All of them are MAD.

I know this sounds ridiculous.  How are all of these "parts of self"?  We all have them.  It is just that most of us can continue to use our "logical/thinking brain" in most instances.

She thinks that the belligerent piece is coming from the fact that we are "on to them" and Younger Boy is really starting to think about it and his survival brain keeps taking charge.  The change is tough.

We told him that those parts of self really need to have awards, because they kept him alive and safe all of these years.  We talked about how we need to thank them, but then to suggest to them that maybe they could "retire" now and let Younger Boy take over.

They aren't ready, but maybe soon they will be!!
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