Today I had to pick Middle Boy up from school, because Boarder had to go in to work early.  I didn't have time to take him home, because I had to interview someone for a new position here at our office.

I gave him the choice of hanging out in our breakroom where there are usually two or three other high schoolers since school gets out at 2:40PM or hanging out in the car.  Of course he chose the car.

I told him it would EASILY be two hours and I was really sorry about that.

When I got outside from work he was pretty enthused.  They are building a parking garage across the street from my office so he sat outside and watched that while he listened to music.  Makes me feel a little bit better.

He had some serious questions for me and we had probably the BEST discussion we have ever had while we drove him.

We laughed and no one got mad and we were able to just communicate about the topics.

It was nice.
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