Standardized testing all week this week for Younger Boy.

Today I got an email from the teacher who is the proctor in the room where he is testing.  He is sleeping.  Not dozing off, but SLEEPING.  They took his book from him.  She sent me a really snotty email.

I was not nice in my response.  Not nice at all.  I have met with the school nurse, Younger Boy's IEP holder, and his guidance counselor.  They are all aware of his mental health issues.  Did they pass on the information?  No idea.  They told me they were going to. a result of the email I received I sent an email to everyone I had previously met with and the principal of the school.  I told them I was really disappointed that this was the level of respect their school had for mental illness and the parents of those children.  I requested a meeting.

I also talked to Therapist C about what I should do.  He isn't sleeping.  Well, technically he is, but he is dissociating.  He thinks the test is hard or confusing and he doesn't think he will do well so he checked out.  Sleeping. 

She told me to call the guidance counselor and tell him he is dissociating and to go get him.  It is his job to explain that the test is not a choice and if need be to monitor him taking these tests for the remainder of the week.  She was concerned that picking him up...which the school wanted me to do...would be a reward for dissociating and would reinforce the behavior.

Surprisingly he said he would.  However, he has since called Therapist C.  She called me to tell me, because I have never signed a release saying she can talk with the school.  So...I suspect he didn't believe me. 

Thanks a lot school system.  I appreciate your understanding of mental illness and your ability to help.

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