So...yesterday I requested court orders from both Service Coordinators.  I got the one for Middle Boy right away.  His Service Coordinator has been much faster about getting me things and answering me since I talked to her supervisor.

Younger Boy's...totally different story.

Here is the chain of email...

Initial Email:

Service Coordinator,

Would you send me a copy of Younger Boy's most recent court order?  I haven't received my copy from State.


Her response:

I'm trying to find out if I can give you the court order.  My supervisor would like to know why you would like a copy of it.  I'm not trying to be difficult.  Just trying to get more information.

My response...not very nice:

I want to know what it says.  As the foster parent I can go get them.  Service Coordinator didn't have a problem sending Middle Boy's and I generally get them from State.  Have your supervisor call me.

Foster Care Specialists (my advocate in system) response:

Service Coordinator, all foster families get copies of the foster children's court orders.  Some get them from the court, others from the case manager.  Usually case managers give copies to foster parents and our agency at family team meetings so there shouldn't be a reason you couldn't give a copy of the court order to Denise.  Actually, I'm supposed to keep copies in the children's files at Agency, so I will also need a copy of the most recent order.  Thanks in advance.

We haven't received the court order yet.  I am sure she will try to find a way around giving me a copy.  It is mostly because since the last court date she has tried to tell me MULTIPLE things are "court ordered" that I  know are not.  I am going to talk to Judge D about it on Tuesday during court. 

I'm not going to be holding my breath until I receive it.

Prayers I don't lose my cool with her today.
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