I got a call just a little while ago from Middle Boy.  He wanted me to come and pick him up RIGHT NOW.

They were filling water balloons for an afternoon activity and he didn't want to get wet.  They were also painting a sign.  Allegedly he got paint and water on his clothes.  I have learned over the last couple of months that this is ABSOLUTELY a trigger for Middle Boy.  He freaks out!

He ran (as fast as you can run on a sprained ankle and dislocated toes) into the YMCA while swearing at his counselor.  He was stopped by the director of the teen program to see what was going on and he told her to f****** figure it out.

When he called he was screaming at me.  I told him to call me back when he was able to stop swearing and yelling at me, because it wasn't me he was mad at.

In the meantime the director called me and said that while he has been doing great the last two days he has been over the top with his anger.  I'm sure he will say that it has nothing to do with his be over-tired.  She asked if I wanted to call and talk to him or come and pick him up.  I told her I would call and talk to him, but wanted him to have to figure out his behavior.  I said if it was still over the top right before lunch to call me and I would come get him, but not to let him know that.  I don't want him to think of it as a reward.

He called me back and we discussed when it is appropriate to swear and yell at people in authority.  My answer is NEVER.  He said "I was mad."  I explained it was an excuse.  It is still unacceptable.  I told him he needed to apologize to the director in person and tonight we would also write her a note of apology.

I also asked if he thought his anger level was over the top for the events which happened.  He didn't think so.  I gave him the chain of events and made him list them out to me.  He got really quiet.  That's how I knew he realized he was over the top.

Prayers for behavior.  It is a combination of things.  He is tired.  He was at respite last weekend and will be again this weekend.  He can't go to camp.  Prayers he recognizes what is going on.
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