I was sleeping quite peacefully last night when I was awakened at 5:03AM with a really loud thump in the boys' room.

I stayed in bed just to see if there was a follow-up commotion to the noise and there wasn't.  It was loud.  It was clear someone or something had fallen either out of bed or fallen down in the room.

When the boys got up I asked what had happened.  Apparently Middle Boy was trying to get his head closer to the box fan which is currently about a foot away and he fell out of bed and onto the fan.  He said he was so tired he just got back in bed and stood the fan back up and went back to sleep.  He thought maybe his head hit the fan first, but he couldn't be sure.

Praises for sound sleep.  Younger Boy didn't hear that or Sophie barking trying to figure out what was going on.

Praises there was no "falling out of bed" injury.

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