A week or so ago I had scheduled an appointment for Sophie to get her shots updated.  She needed two today...rabies and distemper.

The women who work at her vet clinic LOVE her.  They both have dachshunds and, well, Sophie is cute.  We talked about whether or not she would benefit from having a "dog sibling" to play with.  They suggested we wait until she is over two and then it will have to be a dog smaller than her and quite passive, because Sophie is a dominant dog.  You think?

She did great while she was there. 

About two hours later though her snout was swelling up like a balloon.  I called the vet and they said that sometimes they have an allergic reaction.  We were told to give her half of a benadryl and half a baby aspirin every four hours and also to keep a cold compress on it to reduce swelling. I went to buy benadryl.  Everyone here takes prescription allergy meds so we didn't have any.

She didn't want to take the benadryl.  We had to wrap it in a cheese slice.

She continued on to vomit all through the night.

I had been wanting to clean all of the couch cushions, but not tonight.

I felt so sorry for her.  She was scratching like crazy and her head was HUGE.  Poor baby.

Prayers Sophie will feel better soon.
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