The boys finished up their fireworks today. 

The deal I had made with them was that when they were done they needed to sweep all of the trash into a pile in the middle of the driveway and then we would put them in the trash in the morning.

You would think I asked them to sweep up the trash in the entire neighborhood....maybe the whole city.

I explained it you can't handle the responsibility portion of lighting fireworks you will no longer be allowed to do the "fun" portion. 

They half-heartedly swept up the trash.  Middle Boy screamed about how this was not fair.  I'm not sure what about it wasn't fair.  They lit the fireworks, they clean up the mess.  He was positive Younger Boy had done less cleaning up than he had.  The reality is that Middle Boy LOVES to be the supervisor and not the worker.  I had assigned each of them half the driveway to get cleaned up.  They appeared equally messy to me.

Middle Boy thinks I expect the sweeping to be "perfect".  He's right...I do.  At least I don't expect there to be a huge pile of debris on the side of the driveway when they are "finished".

We'll work on it again tomorrow evening.  That's exactly what I was hoping we could do.

Prayers for good work and a happy heart while working.
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