We invited ourselves over to C's today during the open house...Sophie included.

What I learned is our family is like asking a tornado to come through your home.

We weren't there for five minutes when Sophie knocked over a cactus plant and got dirt and gravel all over the living room floor.

We made it through lunch with no issues and then moved to the living room.  Sophie loves C and wanted to sit on her lap.  In the process a pack of gum on the end table caught her eye.  Sophie loves gum.  She proceeded to try to get the gum and knocked over a full glass of water.

She was feeling bad about it so she pottied on the living room carpet to show her remorse.  Younger Boy cleaned it up.

The boys and the dogs went outside.  Middle Boy was in and out of the house A LOT.  I told him in or out.  Then he came in and said Younger Boy was crying, because he broke his seashell necklace.  Younger Boy brought it in with a handful of seashells.

While they were inside Sophie pooped on the floor.  I guess she felt uncomfortable doing it outside.

The boys went back out where Younger Boy gashed his leg on a fence and it was bleeding down his leg.  Once it was cleaned up it didn't look too bad.

Everyone came in and we taught Middle Boy to play Words with Friends.  We had three games vs. Middle Boy, me vs. C, and Middle Boy vs. C.  Younger Boy was playing solitaire. 

During our quiet time Sophie decided to potty on the floor AGAIN.  This signaled our time to go.

People are NOT going to want us at their homes.  EVER.

Praises for C and her hospitality.  We had a nice time having a lazy Sunday afternoon with her.
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