I went to Younger Boy's IEP this morning.

The following people were there:

IEP Holder
Guidance Counselor
Dean of Students
Four teachers

Dean of Students didn't say a word.

The teachers and IEP holder were great.  They asked me some questions and I told them some of my concerns.

Guidance Counselor...nothing nice to say about him.

At one point it was mentioned that Younger Boy will likely remain in reading instead of moving on.  Guidance Counselor said, "maybe we can set up an incentive for him to move on".  Almost in unison IEP Holder, Reading Teacher, and I said, "He won't care.  He would prefer staying where he is because it is safe and he knows the routine."  Ah...they get him. 

I was moderately happy with the final outcome.  It is hard to be happy with an IEP.

Praying we could get a different guidance counselor.
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